Harder To Obtain Credit
With the Global credit crisis, lenders have less money to lend and are being more stringent in their lending criteria. This may affect your ability to borrow on certain asset types, restrict loan terms, and affect your borrowing amount. In some circumstances, businesses approach their bank to seek additional funds, only to have their relationship reviewed under more stringent leading criteria leading to a reduction in funds available.

By working with Credit Equity Finance, we are able to provide credit without disrupting your banking relationship. We know which each lender requires and are able to deliver the appropriate solution. The right solution may include spreading your requirements among a few lenders to achieve the best result.

Federal Reserve Rate Decreases
While the recent rate reductions have been well publicised and have been passed on to mortgages and cars, the rates available to business has been slow to change, if have changed at all. Currently we are seeing commercial lenders out of sync with each other from a rate prospective and clients are reluctant to push for better rates due to knowing lenders are tightening lending criteria.